One Heart Ministry For Nation People was birthed from a dream of us going to the Native American community and International.
Our Passion is to see all come into the fullfillment of the Lord.
Lori Grant an Coharie Native American Born in Alexenderia Virginia.
Married Gorege Grant, birth place is Fort Brag NC. A Lakota Native American. Attended Ministry School In Fayetteville NC to Flagstaff Azizona, with a PHD IN Native American Education / Ministry. Two River Native American Training School from 2008 to present. We are serving as First Lieutenants. Commisioned and ordained as Apostles from Global Spheres International / Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network/ John Benifield / General Neigel Bigpond.Barbra Wenttrouble with IBM
Who would dream that we would only God.
With two Children, we started a life together. A great plan in life, just work and home.
We wanted more for us and our family. We knew there was more. we just had to find it.
We got a calling our children / teen age ministry would start our journey to the nations,
We had to travel to many reservations and non reservations sharing the word of God, preparing His people for the havest.
A Journey that we came, from the hurt and deep wounds of abuse and drug / alcohol. Who would think that we could qualify to be minisionaires. But little did we know we are.
Once healed and on the path to the good life, the scarce path we are qualified to share what God has done in our lives to others,. who many or many not be going through.
We are now in our 24 year season.
In this ministry we shared the Gospel where the Lord Opened the doors.We also have a Community Food Pantry, that is also used to reach people at their level of need and the Lord does the rest.
Counseling .
Disciple Havest
We gather on the Shabbat (Friday ) Evening for a time of worshipping and Teaching.
Go into the world and make disciples.
Then Jesus came to them and Said, :All power (Authority) in Heaven and on earth is (has been) given to me.
So go and make followers (disciples) of all people in the world baptize them in the name father and the son and Holy Spirit. Teaching them to obey everything that I have taught (Commanded) you and I will be with you always even untill the end of this age (the world time).
Matt 18 -20 esa.
This is one of the heart felt vision for us. We are the salt and light of the world.
Our Faith is one that is based on and in the Holy word of God. We wanted to see the nation charge for the kingdom of the Lord.
we are a non-denominational ministry. Who is Passing for the thing sof the Lord, salvation, to heal, restored the land, teaching, ministry to the Nation and Native American and more.
We stated with just a dream from the Lord to Go and preach my word, the word I will but in your mouth.
Just two people who just step out of minstry school, and sent to THE Hill of South Dakota.
Who would throuht that some one(back than) can do ministry and from the back group we have.
Only the Lord can do all things not us.
Today we are still passion to see heal come to people .It a JOY That cannot bet any others.
Our faith level from 1999 to now have grow to a Apostlic level. Commission and ordain.
What a God we have. He is A great God.
Our pray is that you will grow and the lord will led you to His purpsoe for your life and His plain for you all.
Jeremiah 29: 11 For (He) the lord know the plan that (He) I have in mind .
Declares Adonai
plain of Shalom(peace) and not calamity to give you a future and a hope.
We have since Opened a Food Pantry for our community, Since opening, we have served 3 counties and blessed many family.
We are Thankfuly and blessing for this GIFT from the Lord.
We see the need and hear their cry for help.
We are hoping to contuine to serive as our Lord will.
To see the Lord feed manys, who many not have, for what every reason, sometime LIfe just happen. Is a blessing , to known that bellys are full and will sleep well..
Any one wanted to sow in this Havest can by contack us.
We are a 501(3) non -Profit.
One Heart ministry for First Nation People